Monday, October 15, 2007

If you have looked for the perfect bass fishing lure lately you have most likely discovered that there are thousands of colors and designs available. With so many bass fishing lures on the market how can you decide which one is best for you? This article will help you clear the fog and put you on the fish with the best bass fishing lures.

What Time Of Year Is It?

Before you decide on the right bass fishing lures for your tackle box you need to think about the season in which you are going to be fishing. In the spring time you will want to think about the bass that are starting to spawn. Spawning bass are very protective of their environment. When bass spawn they tend to react to bass fishing lures that appear as a danger to their beds. Lizards are always a good choice at this time of the season.

What Color Is Your Fishing Gear

There are so many colors on the market it is unbelievable. The truth is there are only a handful of colors that you need to be concerned about. Black, red, green, and blue are the most desirable colors for bass fishing. If those are the only colors you choose you will have it covered. Black and blue jigs are one of the most popular bass fishing lures on the market. There are many manufactures of jigs, and trying to select one is really a personal decision.

Is There One Bass Fishing Lure That Is Better Than Most?

The short answer is no, but there are some tried and true bass fishing lures that have the best chance for catching bass. If you can only afford a few bass fishing lures to put in the tackle box it would be wise to choose the following lures.

You should put at least one chartreuse and white spinner bait in the box for flipping along the logs and other structure in the early morning into mid morning. The second bass fishing lure should be a bag of plastic 6 inch worms in black or green pumpkin. The third lure should be a black and blue jig in ½ oz and ¾ oz. These are just a few good suggestions that should have you catching bass in no time.

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